The cryogenic transfer adaptor can be used in conjunction with standard APT carousels, enabling samples to be inserted and transferred into an atom probe at low temperature (paper). This adaptor can be attached or removed to a carousel by simply removing 3 bolts to clamp the system together. The block is isolated from the APT system by PTFE thermal breaks, and will retain cryogenic conditions for several hours.
The device comes as two components, a cryogenic block and a separate cover to minimise ice formation on samples during transfer. Typical use is to immerse block in liquid nitrogen, and insert a sample puck whilst under liquid nitrogen. The cover is inserted and a standard transfer tool is used to insert it into the microscope, and to remove the anti-frost cover.
If using a standard APT carousel, then three slots will be unavailable in the carousel whilst the adaptor is attached. The adaptor takes up the same space as a carousel, requiring two carousel heights to be used in an APT.
When used at cryogenic temperatures, the adaptor will effectively act as a cryogenic pump, absorbing gases within the chamber - it must be removed from the APT system before it warms up and begins to outgas (>>4hrs).
System shown is compatible with Y-shaped carousel systems (usually holds 8 pucks, most post-2014 microscopes) - contact us for other configurations.
Oxford atomic
Oxford atomic are a group of experts, dedicated to making microscopy easier. We have over a decade of experience in nanoscale microscopy, and develop products to make everyday microscopy simple.